Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Access To Justice - IIMT Group of College


The doctrine of Access to Justice, finds its origin through a confluence of several other concepts, most prominent of them being the principles of Ubi jus ibi remedium and the Equality before Law.

Ubi jus ibi remedium

This age-old principle simply means where there is a right, there is a remedy. Thus, every right when it is breached must be provided with a right to a remedy. As and when a person’s right is violated, it is the obligation of the State to make available, to him or her, the means to get the violation rectified and thereby claim justice.

The second important foundational principle of the right to Access to Justice is Equality before the law. This principle can be best explained in the words of Mr. Thomas Fuller, who over three hundred years ago said:

‘Be ye never so high, the law is above you.’

Thus, any and every citizen of the country, however powerful, is equal before the Law. This principle, you all must be aware, is enshrined in Article 14 of the Constitution of India. As per this principle every person shall have access and recourse to justice and no one shall be subjected to any kind of discrimination to avail justice.

Role of Preamble

Justice-social, economic and political, is a preambular precept under the Constitution of India. The guarantee of equality of law and equal protection of law lies at the very kernel of our democratic set up.

At present, let me inform all of you, that it had been recommended by the Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution to incorporate Access to Justice as an express fundamental right as done in the South African Constitution, 1996 by virtue of Article 34 of the South African Constitution and accordingly, insertion of Article 30-A titled ‘Access to courts and tribunals and speedy justice’ was proposed by the Commission, for lifting the right to Access to Justice to the pedestal of Fundamental Rights.

As of today, the recommendation has not yielded effect, as the proposed Article 30-A has not been inserted. But, that has not stopped the Supreme Court of India from acknowledging the Right to Access to Justice as a part of the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.

The Supreme Court has interpreted the word ‘life’ appearing in Article 21 of the Constitution to mean a bundle of rights which are considered to be incidental or integral to the right to life so as to make life worth living.

The Constitution Bench in Anita Kushwaha case while delineating on the concept of Access to Justice, specified the main facets constituting the essence of this concept as:

(i) the State must provide an effective adjudicatory mechanism;

(ii) the mechanism so provided must be reasonably accessible in terms of distance;

(iii) the process of adjudication must be speedy; and

(iv) the litigant's access to the adjudicatory process must be affordable."

The next essential facet of the doctrine of Access to Justice, as laid by the Supreme Court in Anita Kushwaha’s case is the need to ensure that the adjudicatory apparatus is accessible to the populace in terms of distance. This duty falls within the sphere of the executive. The executive branch of the State is required to provide accessible forums/Courts where disputes can be adjudicated, for under our constitutional scheme, it is the executive who is in-charge of the wallet, that is, the finances.


It is heartening to note that over the past six decades or so the number of courts established in the country has increased manifold in comparison to the number that existed on the day the country earned its freedom.

Therefore, it is for each and every member of the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, the present members of the Bar, as well as you all students, who shall become the future torchbearers of the nation, to exhibit an unflinching allegiance to the cause of right to Access to Justice and thereby sincerely play their role in the justice-dispensation system of the nation.

Climate Change: A Vital Reality

Climate Change as a result of human activities, carbon dioxide emissions have increased, leading to higher temperatures. Extreme weather conditions and melting polar ice are some of the possible consequences.

What is Climate Change all about? The average ground temperature is around 15C, but in the past it was much higher and lower. Natural fluctuations coincide with the climate, but scientists are finding that temperatures are now rising faster than many times.

The world has been getting warmer. This is due to the greenhouse gas effect, which describes how the Earth’s atmosphere captures some of the solar energy. Greenhouse gases take in solar energy that is radiated back into space from the Earth’s surface and radiated in all directions. It warms the lower atmosphere and the surface of the planet. Without this effect the Earth 30C would be colder and hostile to life.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution around 1750, CO2 levels have increased by more than 30%. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher than ever in at least 800,000 years. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, are also emitted as a result of human activities, but are smaller than carbon dioxide.

Climate change, as a result of changes in the atmosphere during the Earth's climate, as well as the interaction between the atmosphere and other geological, chemical, biological and geographical factors of the Earth's system.

The atmosphere is a dynamic fluid in constant movement. Its physical properties, speed and direction of movement are some of the many factors, including solar radiation, geographic location of continents, ocean currents, location and orientation of mountain ranges, atmosphere chemistry and the vegetation that grows on the surface of the earth. All of these factors change over time. Some factors, such as the distribution of heat in the ocean, the chemistry of the atmosphere, and terrestrial plants, change very quickly. Others, such as the location of continents and the height of ridges, change over a very long period of time. Therefore, the climate resulting from the physical properties and movement of the atmosphere is different over time.

Climate is often vaguely defined as the average weather for a given place, along with characteristics such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, and wind.

It is now the time to take stiff action towards the atrocities of climate change vitalities and spread awareness among the masses to come in the forefront to make our nature preserve and persevere. It is nature which takes care of the whole ecosystem and creates the balance between the atmosphere.

Climate change and its study, the contribution of these factors is a vital and emerging area of study.

Afforestation and the perseverance of nature is one of the basic steps to go ahead with the change.

Taking note of the above changes, IIMT COLLEGE OF POLYTECHNIC has been conducting an awareness programme including plant sapling programmes to raise the awareness in order to save the future generation for the better and resilient planet Earth!


Artificial Intelligence Engineering | IIMT Engineering College Greater Noida

  In computer science, Artificial Intelligence is a branch which is also known as machine intelligence. It emphasizes the development of brilliant machines, thinking and working like humans. The initial work in the field of artificial intelligence was done in the mid-20th century by the computer scientist Alan Mathison Turing. It makes machine able to takes decision. Artificial intelligence is a branch which marked its presence in almost every field now days.      The top AI applications are in the field of Marketing, Banking, Finance, Agriculture, Health Care, Gaming, Space Exploration and Autonomous Vehicles. Globally many certificate and degree courses are available in this field. The Best B.Tech college in Delhi/NCR,      IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida opens the admission in course B.Tech (Artificial Intelligence) from the session 2020-21. The course is affiliated to Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow. In the near future, this branch of engineering will be in more demand by recruiters and top companies. IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida is a private engineering college in Delhi NCR which has top placement in engineering. It is a NAAC accredited; top engineering college in U.P. As per the survey report, the count of AI professionals has increased but a big number of positions in this field are still vacant.

       As per the survey report, the count of AI professionals has increased but a big number of positions in this field are still vacant. Top companies like Google, Wipro, TCS, IBM working on AI projects and looking for the related skilled and experienced resources. In next 3 years with the growing requirement of artificial intelligence skilled engineering graduates and the introduction of new engineering course, B.Tech Artificial Intelligence in IIMT college of Engineering, Greater Noida, the more and more recruiters will look towards the IIMT for the recruitment of AI skilled engineering professionals. There is a famous quote by Gita Bellin, British Facilitator, Mentor and Coach “If one desires a change, one must be that change before that change can take place.” So think, rethink and make a right choice, choose the right course and right college, IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida, for your brighter future. Summer school program on Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence was organized by IIMT college of Engineering, Greater Noida on June 13, 2020.     In the program live on Facebook, the expert guest Dr Umesh shared detailed information with students and audience on the IOT and AI, its applications in various industries. Right now weak AI is in action where face recognition, autonomous vehicle drive and many other things are designed. But the goal is different as researchers are continuously working on strong AI where the machine may replace human being for every other cognitive task. Different experts, entrepreneurs, researchers have different opinion for the development of AI be it weak or strong as it may bring both positive and negative impact on the society.


Best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Noida | IIMT Group Of College

Artificial Intelligence! Undoubtedly the first amongst the top trending technologies that has been an integral part of many software’s like SAS for years and is going to be the new industrial revolution. If I talk about artificial intelligence, the very first thought that comes to our mind is the intelligence which is made artificially which simply means you are giving a brain to a machine. So that it can take decisions on its own without depending on others.

Let us dive little deep into it –


  • Why AI is important

  • How AI is used

  • How AI works

  • AI on Academics

   Everything that is revolutionary have an embarked history behind. The term was coined in 1956. The US department of defence in 1960s took interest in this topic and began working over it. Whereas, DARPA in 1970s completed some projects like Street mapping and produced personal intelligent assistant like Alexa, Cortana etcin early 2000s. the evolution of AI can be mapped as –

  • 1950s – 1970s – working with neural networks

  • 1980s - 2010s – Machine Learning

  • Present – Deep Learning

   Many of us mix - up AI with machine learning thinking they are same but machine learning is just a part of AI. You can take it as if AI is a human body then ML is just an organ which perform its own function.

​   Since the technologies are growing AI becomes an important and integral part of the industries as it automates repetitive learning and discovering through data. It performs high volume computerized tasks reliably and without fatigues. AI adds intelligence to the existing products.it cannot be sold as a single application. Smart machines can be integrated with the large data to improve the technologies at workplace and home that can be from an investment analysis to security intelligence.

How does it work?...

  It adapts the learning through progressive learning algorithm to let data do the programming.it find patterns in the data to acquire a skill. This algo becomes a predictor or a classifier as it teaches itself through the data. It analyses deeper data using neural networks that consists of many hidden layers.

    This type of models need more data to be fed to become more accurate. The larger the data more they become accurate. Thus through this deep neural networks AI achieves an incredible accuracy. For ex Alexa, Google search. AI in today’s world With the growing technologies we are now inclined towards automating things to make life better. At present we are using AI with IOT, integrating this to analytical platform and much more varieties of fields where it is being used. Every industry has a huge demand for AI capabilities, this includes

  • Health care

  • Retail

  • Manufacturing

  • Banking

    Various institutes have decided to open it to students who would like pursue their graduations and post-graduation in AI. This institutes will have a separate curriculum to study AI. Not only government colleges are offering this as a separate branch but also now top private colleges like IIMT college of Engineering is taking initiative for the same. This is going to be very beneficial for the students as very few institutes are offering such facilities.

The other side -

      AI does not have to be evil to destroy humanity – if AI has a goal and humanity just happens in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings .& quot; – Elon Musk.

     As every coin have two sides AI is not different to have this sides too. If not used properly can it canbe used very destructively to harm anyone. Having proper knowledge to apply and to use is the key tomake it a beautiful way to treat world better.


News anticipating and mass correspondence are associated and interrelated fields of study and calling. While specifying consolidates gatheri...