Showing posts with label top 10 engineering colleges in up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top 10 engineering colleges in up. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2022

How to Start a Blog by Students in College Days


If you want to get a job as soon as you pass out, you should start a blog. Why so? A good blog is a portfolio which is constantly updated. If you build a name for yourself on an online platform, then good jobs will approach you.

Great Things Start from Small Beginnings

Initiating a blog is like establishing yourself as an expert. As soon as you graduate college, the next thing you need to consider is exploring a decent job. The main issue is you don’t have experience just yet. So, how can you compete with people who've already gained experience and have much more knowledge of that specific field? You can’t showcase your skills and talent relevant to your field in just a 30-minute interview. But, you can manifest them the same via a blog. Just think about it for a moment. If you picked a topic today, and you do this on a weekly basis, you have 52 articles in a year. This can build your eminence.

Solidifies Your Knowledge

In many ways, a human being’s brain can be awful and it is unable to retain a lot of information. In fact, if you input some information both, to your brain and computer, more often than not the computer will always win. But still, the human’s brain is the most illustrious computer in the universe. In the process of attaining knowledge, 90% comes from teaching others while practicing the same gains you 75% of the knowledge.

Express Yourself and Your Ideas

Keep in mind that there is a dissimilarity between article, news, and, blog. While writing a blog you are free to talk about anything; your ideas, beliefs and even what you perceive about happenings, politics, celebrities, and so on. A blog gives you the chance to inspire others by your thought process. 

Let us now take you through those important elements which will help you start writing a blog:

Select a Topic

Picking a topic can take a lot of time. You should aware by now that when doing this, it must be an area of your proficiency. If you’re searching for a college in Delhi NCR then how about Engineering Colleges.

In Delhi NCR or Best Management College in Delhi NCR? In case you are in the marketing business, writing blogs about digital marketing is vital.

Target Audience

Next, consider your target audience. Keep in mind that different people have different taste when it comes to their style of your writing.


Finally, never forget to utilize images that can gain your readers’ attention. Keep in mind that images can rapidly register with the brain while words cannot.

Proof Reading

Proofreading is essential but the objective is to have your message clear not that your grammar has to be the best it can ever be. This is where you showcase of the things you’ve experienced from. You can try several tools when it comes to proofreading your work.

Build Your Network

As soon as you have several blogs written, it is time to connect to people by building your network in order to promote your work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Research…a thirst for development

Somewhere we all have heard that –
Necessity is the mother of invention”.
This is the quotation written nearly in every technical institute and specifically in almost every research department.
Research and Development is generally abbreviated as R & D. These two processes are deeply inter-related to the innovation of new products or an update on prior technology. The concept of research and development is as old as science. It’s how the productions are hiked in industries and are the results of “Innovations” to develop new products. Everything new is somewhere related to the research routed from any laboratory idea. Innovation is indeed an application of the invention and these inventions are the results of the research which is carefully focused by a trial and error process.
The Beginning to present ….
It all started right from the 1790s when the revolutionary French Govt.  was defending itself from the rest of Europe. Semaphore telegraph, observation balloon, explosive shells etc. were developed during this period. The research cannot be a halfway process- it can be either basic or the complete product which can also be called as applied research. Although it emerged more during the times of wars.  This was the time of early 20th century (1900-1945) when the first and the second world wars occurred. Radars, hydrophones, air traffic control, penicillin, satellites, ATMs, computers are some of the best examples of the work of R & D during wars. Research is the basic investigation performed by a group of scientists with no conscious goal but just to unfold the secrets of nature.

Research in itself is a beautiful process full of patience. It can be experimental, by accident/chance, and by need. The invention of the bulb can be called as experimental while the invention of X-ray and penicillin was accidental. Transistors too were invented by chance but the further evolution of it is based on further design. R and D are huge and has its hand involved in almost every field today right from the medical, consumer, to military or I can say everything. The easiest example that we do in our everyday life can be, is if you have to make a home what will you do? Of course, you will first search for the plot, will do investigations about that and then further you will hire labour and will give the contract to someone to build the home. And in between a lot more you will do to get satisfying results. In short, unknowingly, you are performing research.
At present, the modern and the latest technologies that we use today have their grounds rooted in world wars, especiallyWorld War II. Klystron, Magnetron, Radars, Penicillin are well-known inventions today. MachineLearning & Artificial Intelligence which is the trending technology in use today is only due to the revolution in the electronics industry which is again rooted in the world wars.
At the times of crises like epidemics or at the time when a tiny virus affects the whole world, the level of Research is at its extreme because at that time there is only one aim and that is to find the cure to this pandemic. Every country is involved in the research. In countries like the US, Japan the economic planning has Research and Development as an integral part and it is declared by both private industries and the Govt.
There are now many types of fully-equipped laboratories to take your research to the next level. These are as follows:
·       Government
·       Company
·       Independent
·       Association for Research
·       Universities
The govt. laboratories for research are like MSME, CSIR, DRDO, etc. Here the Govt. provide the funds to the revolutionary prototype ideas.

Company Research is a kind of research done in private industries. Each company has its own R& D where they develop new products or any update to the existing one.

Independent laboratories are the one owned by the individual itself. Here, he/she can develop his/her own ideas and sell it to the govt.  or may file a patent for the same.

There are some research associations for example, CSIR whose main aim is to promote research.
Nowadays, various institutes and universities have also taken initiatives to inculcate research environment among the students as they are young minds, the most efficient ones.

Research and Development has always given growth to a country’s economy and, of course, the world and this is a never- ending process. We all have a curious insect in our minds which will never die as it passes through the generations.

Here,at IIMT College of Engineering, one of the top private engineering collegesin UP and also among the top engineering colleges in AKTU, we have a dedicated Innovation Cell presently receiving funding from MSMEDST and AICTE for innovative projects.


News anticipating and mass correspondence are associated and interrelated fields of study and calling. While specifying consolidates gatheri...