Showing posts with label Personality Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personality Development. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Must for Intellectual Intelligence

Let us understand the term intelligence first as per the various dictionaries and psychologists aspects.

Definition of intelligence as per the various dictionaries are the following:

Ø Cambridge Advance Learner’s dictionary 2006  “ The ability to learn , understand and make judgements or have  opinions that are based on reason”
Ø All Words Dictionary 2006 “ The ability to use memory , knowledge , experience , understanding , reasoning , imagination and judgement in order to solve problems and adapt to new situations”
Ø The American Heritage Dictionary 4th edition 2000  “The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge”

Psychologists’ definitions of Intelligence
Ø J.P Das  says “The ability to plan and structure one’s behaviour with an end in view”
Ø H. Gardener says  “ An intelligence is the ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued with one or more cultural settings”

Now we can discuss about Emotional intelligence and its importance and how it influence intellectual intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence this term is given by famous psychologist Daniel Goleman  it is also known as EQ (emotional quotient) which means empathy understand own feelings as well as others feelings too , good interpersonal skills , job-interviews, best behaviour, networking etc It is an ability which we learn after birth in society and It is a lifelong process. It is an experiential learning.

Intellectual Intelligence (IQ)  which means intelligence quotient the term is given by William Stern  IQ . It means heavily based on logic and reasoning such as science, maths. It is an ability by birth. It is related to cognitive brain process , memory , learning , academics too which we learn in school time.

Importance of EQ and how it is essential for IQ

Research says that people with  high EQ have better mental health , job performance and the way of high living life.

5 categories of EQ are the following :
1)    Self awareness
2)    Self regulation
3)    Motivation
4)    Empathy
5)    Social Skills

 We learn EQ to deal our problems , solutions to our conflict after birth as it is not by birth . As Human being is a social animal so we need EQ as a vital asset to empathize people and understand own feelings , other feelings ,  job interviews, networking , to deal with emotions and good interpersonal skills. It is a base of IQ which is by birth in a person which talks about logic, reasoning such as science, maths etc .  IQ is related to cognitive brain process which talks about memory, learning, academics, reasoning , logics , maths, business , finances etc.

Success in career and personal life which is entirely based on EQ so that’s how IQ can be considered as a dependent variable and EQ independent variable . Let’s see  few examples  of family relations, dealing with customers, time management , boss management all can be only done in the presence of EQ in a person whereas IQ is also important however it gives us performance , logics, reasoning and good academics only which can only depicts  theoretical aspect of life not practical aspect so hence practical aspect can be only functional in the presence of EQ in a person.  

Conclusion: Psychologists agree that among the ingredients for success IQ counts for roughly 10% (at best 25%) the rest depends on everything else including EQ both complement each other to succeed in life one must develop both for their better career and personal lives .

Monday, November 18, 2019

Six Major Advantages of Personality Development Classes

Personality of an individual refers to his physical appearance, attitude, mindset and how he/she behaves socially with others.

Importance of Personality Development

Personality development goes a long way to identify and discover the vivid part of life. It coaches us to face even the worst situations with a smile. Personality development helps in developing a positive attitude in life.

It is makes one learn how to behave well, being so polite with people around. An individual’s personal and professional life becomes more disciplined and punctual by improving on his personality traits.  Effective Communication, etiquette and manners are indispensable elements that help build a good personality.

Six major advantages of having a PersonalityDevelopment Classes are:

1.      Self Discovery : A good personality development program helps an individual to identify his strengths and weaknesses. By improving on these attributes one is able to discover about himself that was not known to him. Also as people may have identical faces and habits but It is your personality that distinguishes you from others.

2.      Personality doesn’t age : An individual may grow old and gray with the age but your personality sticks with you and doesn’t diminish with your growing age.

3.      High Level of Motivation  : Many researches and studies have already proven that people with good influential personality are highly motivated and can motivate others as well. They understand well and live with the art of breathing right.

4.      Captivating positive thoughts and actions : Personality development program helps in imbibing positivity all around you and helps as stress buster that leads to some positive actions even in adverse situations. This positive and right kind of attitude make them problem solvers as well.

5.      Center of Attraction : A good personality with great characteristics makes an individual a center of attraction. He/She is able to draw people’s attention because of his good personality traits. He/she can charm and influence people and hence becomes center of attraction.

6.      Quality of being patient and showing perseverance : To come out as winner one has to learn and acquire the art of being patient as it is the secret constituent to be a winner. Such Personality development programs help you build determination and make you learn to be firm in odd circumstances.

Other essential elements such as effective communication, emotion management, good dressing sense and body language constitute significantly to help change a personality through these Personality Development Programs.


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