Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Career Service Advice for Entering Students


Overjoy of getting into the college often overwhelms the students. It is important that student understand that college is place of work not a joy ride. The time is limited and task is defined. Thus it is important to set your sail straight to the eye. If your destination is not defined whichever path you take, you’ll be lost. Thus, it is highly recommended for students to gets their mind straight and focus of their target and aspirations. The one thing we are taught from our school time is importance of time. Whether it be exams or preparation the time management is always imperative.

Keep in mind this is not kinder garden where memorizing is the only task you are involved with. Try to develop a better understanding of the subject and comprehend what you need to know. Keep your skills up to date regardless of the field you are involved with. It is important to keep you’re technological and industrials skills currents as this will give you upper hand and make stand out of other candidates.

No matter what people say remember that grades count. Often high seeking job goes to candidates with best grades. Good grades implies dedication, perseverance, and excellence. Well as grades are important so do other activities. It is important to create a balance between your professional and personal life. Large jobs can rarely be done in single sittings. It is always recommended that you break your large tasks to some manageable subtasks. Remember it’s a marathon where consistence is the key to success. Manage your time effectively. Give adequate time to your academic as well as personal life. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination will significantly damage your productivity and creativity.

In a collegiate career of the student it is important to get engaged with faculty, graduate students and other faculty which could be valuable contacts in your field. Networking will help to get the insights of the various industrial practices which could help you through information regarding various opportunities in your field. Get to know a wide range of people and use your acquaintances to your advantage. Take responsibility and get involved with various activities which could bring you in the frontline of exposure through various means. Invest yourself with academicians and take advantage of what they can tell us. Take precaution not to over commit or overestimate your potentials. A responsible student always stands to its responsibilities. Many students commits to more work than they can handle. Don’t let this happen to you.

Do not ignore your personal as well as academic problems. Discuss these to you mentor or friends as these are too important to avoid. Avoiding problems which you think trivial may get worse if not addressed on time. Take responsibility for yourself as in many cases the sense of personal responsibility after college admission has disappeared. As the parents or guardians taking responsibilities of students are no longer there it is the duty of students to perform such responsibilities. As it is seen that many good high school students due to the loss of responsibilities failed in colleges and universities.

It’s important to connect yourself with different industries via social media as this will help you understand company n its nature n culture. In today’s modern era the effect of social media can be seen everywhere. The connectivity through social media is immense.

Therefore, we can conclude that career is one of the main aspect of our life. We cannot get anything in our life without a great shape of our career.


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