Friday, November 29, 2019

Present Indian Pharmaceutical Story and Potential Narratives to Enhance Pharmacy Graduates' Career prospects

In India, the drug landscape has changed dramatically in recent years and already has come to the point of being next to the nation's IT business in terms of overall volume and revenue. India is one of the global top six medicine producers.  Vaccines from India are shipped towards more than 150 countries. Approximately 70% of patients take Indian medicines in developing economies.There are reportedly 10,500 production sites in India and thus more than 3,000 drug companies growing at an unprecedented speed.Over 90% of products accepted for Anti-malarial, Antiretroviral & Anti-tubercular have also been approved to India globally.Because of low deployment and operating costs, total costs of manufacturing in India are only about 35-40% of the US. India is among the leading global exporters of generic formulation in terms of quantity.India's drug exports in 2013-14 stood at the US $15 billion.Indian exports are robust and include different pharmaceuticals divisions from APIs to contemporary and ancient Indian drug remedies. Indian drug production makes up approximately one point four percent in value terms of global drug manufacturing and ten percent in terms of output. India is well-positioned to be among the key drivers of healthcare delivery for everyone. Thereby reducing the rather-increasing healthcare expense of industrialized, and developing countries.

There is indeed a clamor in the country for highly skilled pharmaceutical professionals.Numerous pharmacy colleges & institutions mainly deliver pharmacy graduates to meet the pharmaceutical industry's expectations.There are indications, nevertheless, that there is still a considerable difference between the syllabus taught and industry prerequisites.It contributes to a dramatic drop in employment opportunities for Pharma graduates.

Analogously, the task of hospital pharmacists and community pharmacist has expanded and is now not just an individual providing the medication.He is also engaged in educating patients, tracking potential side effects, documenting detrimental drug outcomes as well as plays a crucial role in research into drug discovery.

And so it is imperative to redesign the syllabi for pharmacy courses at all tiers of pharmaceutical education (Diploma, Bachelor, Masters,as well as Doctoral) to train skilled professionals and to strengthen the national health care system.In every transition phase of maximizing pharmaceutical education, consultations are required with all relevant parties, including govt, academia, industrial sector, scientists, graduates, field researchers, and so forth.The review process must be time-framed to frame a workable plan on pharmacy learning.The evaluation framework concepts are:

01. Government reforms for improving the quality of education
02. A categorization of institutions including credentials
03. Incorporating knowledge and skills with curriculum
04. Technology deployment enabled training
05. Attributing pharmacy training towards healthcare and social concerns
06. Adherence to the business sector so pharmacy learning is aligned with career prospects
07. To train the instructors to achieve consistency and quality
08. Instilling professional, and ethical behavior
09. Encouraging innovation and research
10. Subsidizing Pharmacy education
11. Cultivating support structures for pupils

Monday, November 18, 2019

Six Major Advantages of Personality Development Classes

Personality of an individual refers to his physical appearance, attitude, mindset and how he/she behaves socially with others.

Importance of Personality Development

Personality development goes a long way to identify and discover the vivid part of life. It coaches us to face even the worst situations with a smile. Personality development helps in developing a positive attitude in life.

It is makes one learn how to behave well, being so polite with people around. An individual’s personal and professional life becomes more disciplined and punctual by improving on his personality traits.  Effective Communication, etiquette and manners are indispensable elements that help build a good personality.

Six major advantages of having a PersonalityDevelopment Classes are:

1.      Self Discovery : A good personality development program helps an individual to identify his strengths and weaknesses. By improving on these attributes one is able to discover about himself that was not known to him. Also as people may have identical faces and habits but It is your personality that distinguishes you from others.

2.      Personality doesn’t age : An individual may grow old and gray with the age but your personality sticks with you and doesn’t diminish with your growing age.

3.      High Level of Motivation  : Many researches and studies have already proven that people with good influential personality are highly motivated and can motivate others as well. They understand well and live with the art of breathing right.

4.      Captivating positive thoughts and actions : Personality development program helps in imbibing positivity all around you and helps as stress buster that leads to some positive actions even in adverse situations. This positive and right kind of attitude make them problem solvers as well.

5.      Center of Attraction : A good personality with great characteristics makes an individual a center of attraction. He/She is able to draw people’s attention because of his good personality traits. He/she can charm and influence people and hence becomes center of attraction.

6.      Quality of being patient and showing perseverance : To come out as winner one has to learn and acquire the art of being patient as it is the secret constituent to be a winner. Such Personality development programs help you build determination and make you learn to be firm in odd circumstances.

Other essential elements such as effective communication, emotion management, good dressing sense and body language constitute significantly to help change a personality through these Personality Development Programs.


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